Tuesday, January 7, 2020


We believe our initial development provides a strong and exciting narrative for the audience to follow, with many potential questions to create enigma. Through discussion of potential plot ideas we settled on foundation plot to underline the trailer.

Find below the images which conclusively present my groups initial ideas involving the narrative of our film trailer:

From brainstorming with my group we have come up with an initial idea as to what our film trailers could be about. Our first idea was inspired by an old, antique suitcase which the media department in school had already purchased as a prop for previous students. The idea we came up with originally was based on the supernatural type of theme, the idea was that the suitcase would contain a newspaper article from previous dates within History, containing positive news such as winning the lottery, our idea was that once the person opens the suitcase and views the newspaper they get taken to the time of the event- the main character who sees this becomes greedy and when he returns to present time continues to open the suitcase to find new newspaper stories in order to experience positive events.
The final time this character looks into the suitcase to view the newspaper there is a new event, however, this time it is not as positive and it is from the future rather than the past. The character finds himself/herself in the middle of either the woods or an abandoned house seeing someone with a gun held to their head or about to be murdered in some form, the character is now experiencing it in third person and can see the event occurring but as it is taking place in the future everything the character says and does cannot be seen by the people. The character screams and tries to attempt to prevent the brutal murder of this person, but as they cannot be heard and they start to edge closer they come to realise the victim who is about to be killed is themselves in the future and they cannot do anything to prevent it.
Although this idea was intriguing and would definitely provide a big question and top line for our audience, we believed the story line was a little too complex and may be challenging to make clear within a short trailer so we adjusted the idea slightly and we are pleased with the plan. 
Due to this our group then went back the the drawing board to try and alter the plot slightly. The images below present our newly improved idea for our trailer, I believe the plot is gripping and captivating but not too complex that would make it difficult to convey to our audience. We created 3 lists for for our film 'III Days' including the plot summary, big questions our film creates and the editorial structure which contains initial ideas of what we would like to include within our trailer.

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