Saturday, December 28, 2019


For our film trailer - III Dayswe decided to take a step further into the life of our main protagonist character, Jack Masters. We were able to develop his character further through the use of a hot seating exercise, whereby we "investigated" his role in the film. We were inspired by an article written by Charlie Sierra about building the back story to film characters in which he quoted from Riding the Alligator, a book written by Pen Densham, an Academy Award nominated filmmaker. In one of the chapters in the book, he provides a check list of questions every writer and director should ask of themselves when they are developing their characters. The purpose of this is to outline a deep understanding of your characters for both the actors and director, and for motivating a character’s choices or actions.

Jack Masters - Character Interview

Our film trailer focuses on the unfortunate involvement of a teenage boy in a murder investigation, incorporating the idea of "wrong place, wrong time". We decided to incorporate an interview whereby his involvement is wrongly inferred, similar to one of the scenes integrated in our trailer. Here he is interviewed by a anonymous prosecutor, as if in a police station. This is a creative way to introduce the character while showing his stance on the murder cases. Moreover, this format matches the seriousness of the trailer and adds to the thriller genre.

Hot Seating Script:

Max: I told you… I don’t know what’s going on. I’m trying to figure this out myself!

Interviewer: What connection do you have to the victims.

Max: What? No I didn’t know them. I feel like I’m going crazy why is no one listening to me. I don’t know why these letters are coming to me. I don’t know why this is happening. I don’t know anything.

Interviewer: Hmm… this is all sounding suspicious. Is there anyone you would like to call. Perhaps a lawyer?

Max: What? A lawyer? You can’t be serious… I’m innocent.

Friday, December 27, 2019


Olivia Blake is the second victim in our film trailer. We imagine her character to be around early 50's, with a kind face in order to gain sympathy from the audience. We drew inspiration from Stephanie Smothers - A Simple Favour. She is presented as a single mum who runs a popular "vlog" where she shares recipes, parenting tips, and DIY how-tos. Her character suggests that of a type-A personality; over-volunteeringambitious, highly competitive - essentially a workaholic, making other parents feel like slackers. Another good example of her character includes Denna in Life Of The Party

Hot seating script

Hello fellow Mums, welcome back, sorry I missed last week I had to pick up Maddison from her hockey practice. Anyways, this week I’m going to be making a fabulous Rosemary and Thyme roast goose with an accompanying sweet potato mash. As always I’ll be taking you step by step working towards your perfect homely dinner. So make sure you tune in this weekend on my channel at three PM!!

Can’t wait to see you there...


Our team visualised a simple yet memorable production company name. While we discussed potential options we collectively decided a professional name was best suited to the serious tone/theme. However, having previously planned the construction of the ident, we appreciated the idea of associating the theme of light into our title.  

Therefore we came to the conclusion of our ident being 'Blacklight productions'.

Sunday, December 22, 2019


We began our risk assessment by identifying the key hazards and risk factors which acquire the potential to cause harm during the production of the film opening, III DAYSThe risk assessment highlights the hazards/risks posed to each scene, in which we provide precautions to avoid the possibility of implications occurring.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Call sheet for the scenes in which Max Green (Jack Masters) discovers letters as well as the deaths of the victims
Shoot Date: Saturday 11th January 2020, 4 pm.
Location: In Max Green's house 
Cast: Max Green (Jack Masters)
 Camera Equipment:
 - Canon camera EOS 750D
-  Manfortto Tripod
Lighting Equipment: N/A
Props: Car keys, 3 letters, radio, newspaper article.
Costumes: Casual clothing

Call sheet for the scenes in which the detectives are investigating Max Green's (Jack Masters') potential involvement in the two previous murders.

Shoot Date: Saturday 25th January 2020, 5 pm.
Location: At Lucy's house
Cast: Max Green (Jack Masters), James Spalding (Investigator 1), Stephen Green (Investigator 2)
 Camera Equipment:
 - Canon camera EOS 750D
-  Manfortto Tripod
Lighting Equipment: Harsh, white lighting
Props: N/A
Costumes: Casual clothing for Max Green (Jack Masters), formal attire for James Spalding and Stephen Green (the Investigators)

Call sheet for the pin board final scene

Shoot Date: Friday 17th January 2020, 1 pm.
Location: In the media suite within the school grounds 
Cast: Max Green (Jack Masters)
 Camera Equipment:
 - Canon camera EOS 750D
-  Manfortto Tripod
Lighting Equipment: N/A
Props: Newspaper articles, images of the victims and scenes, pins, pin board and string.
Costumes: Casual clothing

Sunday, December 15, 2019



In terms of our trailer name, we were fuelled by the concept of time and equally wanted to elude to this due to the major role it plays within our productions final film trailer. Furthermore, after discussing the potential ideas with varying incorporated concepts, we found the film trailer name predisposes the audience to questions which interlink with our film. Generally, we found our trailer name creates a sense of enigma which we are able to further develop in our final film trailer.


     Music andd               sound FX       
      Shot types     
Clock tick and gradual build up of music.
Max Green (Jack Masters) walking towards house, through eye piece.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Fish Eye Lens
Long shot through Fish Eye Lens.
Clock tick and gradual build up of music.
Max Green (Jack Masters) walking through the door after coming home and throwing keys.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Long shot 
Clock tick and gradual build up of music.
Max Green (Jack Masters) seeing first letter on the floor beneath him.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
First letter
Long shot
Clock tick and gradual build up of music.
Max Green (Jack Masters) crouching down to pick up first letter.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
First letter

Low angle shot
Clock tick and gradual build up of music and voice-over discussing how he has been receiving letters.
We see the letter from Max Green (Jack Masters') POV as he opens it.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
First letter
POV shot
Clock tick and gradual build up of music and sound of radio discussing death of victim seen in first letter.
Max Green (Jack Masters) sitting having breakfast with the radio beside him.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Mid shot of him having breakfast

Clock tick and gradual build up of music and sound of letter box being opened by Max Green (Jack Masters).
Max Green (Jack Masters) opening letterbox to find second letter.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Second letter
Close up shots

Clock tick and gradual build up of music and sound of voice-over of Max Green (Jack Masters) discussing what the letter contains.
Max Green (Jack Masters) opening second letter.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Second letter
Point of view shots
Clock tick and gradual build up of music.
Max Green (Jack Masters) viewing newspaper article discussing death of second victim.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Newspaper article
Point of view shots
Clock tick and gradual build up of music and the detectives discussing his link with the previous murders.
Max Green (Jack Masters) and the two detectives (Stephen Green) and (James Spalding)
Max Green (Jack Masters), the detectives (Stephen Green) and (James Spalding).
Mid shot
Three shot

Clock tick and gradual build up of music.
Max Green (Jack Masters) finding third and final letter which contains his own photo and name.
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Third and final letter

Close up shots

POV shots

Reaction shots
Clock tick and gradual build up of music to climatic ending and voice-over of Max Green (Jack Masters) stating he is next to the detectives. 
Various shots of the pin board containing information from the previous victims and Max Green (Jack Masters) pinning the final image onto the board (being his own photograph).
Max Green (Jack Masters)
Pin board containing newspaper articles, letters and images of previous victims and himself.
Elongated tracking shot over pin board, and various close up shots panning over board.

Tracking shot of Max Green (Jack Masters') hand pinning final image onto board.

Friday, November 15, 2019


For the genre of our film trailers, we discussed 
making it a thriller horrorWhen we compared 
the film 'Yesterday', a drama fantasy, to 'Joker', we all agreed that the thrill and excitement of 'Joker' was more appealing and offered a wider opportunity for skills to be employed in a trailer package. 

However, the more I dove into researching this genre, I found myself investigating 'A Quiet Place', 'Halloween' and 'Us', we realised the horror element to the film wasn't as appealing as a drama thriller- thus we decided to remove the key elements of grotesque violence and gore

I suggested that the fast paced and intense nature of thriller film trailers provided more avenues to explore. Despite not liking the idea of gore and violence being incorporated into our productions we did agree that 
the premise of the supernatural is appealing and 

                     'Us' Official Teaser Trailer - Poster
A Quiet Place - Poster

Using the mind mapping software creately, I developed a spider diagram organising my established thoughts surrounding; themes, genres and potential storylines

Thursday, October 31, 2019


I created an audience questionnaire tailored to my own film production work. Through the use of Google Forms, I was able to collect data that I will be able to present in both graphical forms and words, as I asked questions that yielded both quantitative and qualitative data.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019



Friday, October 25, 2019



While researching for our film trailer, III days, I came across various media theorists. I compiled a comic using a software called comic life, in order to explain and present these. In order to analyse these further, I used various superhero characters to illustrate the theories of each theorist.

The various theorists consisted of: 
Vladimir Propp
- Levi-Strauss 
- Roland Barthes 
- Todorov
- Laura Mulvey

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Pink and Grey Caring for Kittens Process Infographic by Lucy

Film posters are used to help promote and market a film. Typically, many films have one main poster (called a teaser poster/ advance poster) this contains a basic image or design without including too much information, the purpose of teaser posters is to initiate awareness and the initial buzz for the film. This is then followed by a series of posters (called character posters) which usually contain an ensemble cast presented in a set of character posters. This reveals a little more information about the film.

Film posters similarly to trailers have codes and conventions in which one would expect to see within a film poster.

These contain an image with a tagline, these are the elements which are the most crucial in attracting an audience, thus causing them to want to view the film. The image conveys the genre, for example, Thriller genres may have posters containing dark and threatening image/s. Today, the image predominantly includes the main actors as they tend to be the films USP due to them being well known within the film industry. The films title is also included in which the lettering is large and bold in order to make it stand out against the background image. Some of the films USP's can also be the director or producer themselves as they may also be well known, this further helps in promoting the film as these are elements which may appeal to an audience. Posters also include a release date, this is to allow audiences to plan in advance for when the film is released in cinemas. Moreover, the billing block is included, this is a list of names in which the typeface has been condensed, this includes the credits of the film such as the Director.

Summary of what the website above states what should be included in a movie poster:
  • Grab the audiences attention
  • Iconography- showing without telling 
  • Interest- create an incentive to watch the film
  • Appeal
  • Recognisable
  • Style

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

